Becoming a research group leader
with Prof. Martina Rauner
Professor Martina Rauner is a scientist working in Molecular Bone Biology at Technische Universität Dresden in Germany. She is the Scientific Director of Bone Lab working with a large team of PhD students, Postdocs, technicians and clinicians. She is part of the Fidelio ITN network ( In this episode she shares her experience of being a research group leader.
Questions for Principal Investigators/ Research group leaders to ponder about their role
· How do you use your own network to help your research team expand their own network (within and outside of research)?
· How do you demonstrate to your research team that you have their best interest at heart?
· Do you see yourself as the facilitator of the success of others?
· What does it mean to you to facilitate the success of others?
· What “wiggly room” do you afford your research team to explore and experiment with their own research ideas?
· What is your approach to transmitting your research passion to others?
“I see myself maybe as a facilitator, as a group leader to provide opportunities”