Supporting research leaders to build a positive research culture


I help research leaders to navigate the complexities of the research environment so that they can lead their projects to success. 

When postdoctoral researchers step up to become Research Fellows, Lecturers, Principal Investigators and Research Group Leaders, a world of institutional expectations, organisational politics and leadership responsibilities is thrown at them without much support. They have worked hard to become world leading researchers, but they have not yet experienced the complexities of supervision, management and leadership.

Many new research leaders find themselves quite isolated in their new roles. They may not even describe themselves as research leaders. Leaving postdoctoral life behind and transitioning into new academic & research roles does not need to be a lonely path. I work with new research leaders to help them embrace their leadership talent when they are shifting from working as postdoctoral researchers to building their teams.

Cartoon illustrating people talking to each other via online communication


Creating a space for research leaders to figure things out and address challenges through powerful conversations.

Cartoon illustrating the concept of a group working together- forming a circle and holding hands


Using the collective intelligence of the group to reach the best outcome in teams and networks discussions.

Cartoon illustrating a group of people working together- aims to illustrate small group discussion during a training event


Empowering researchers to discover their leadership potential and move to different ways of working through professional development.

Cartoon with group of people bundled together with arms in the air in a joyous way. Colours from the log palette


Helping research leaders review their approaches to working well with others, building and supporting their teams.

Research culture encompasses the behaviours, values, expectations, incentives, attitudes and norms of a research community. It determines the way that research is conducted and communicated, and can influence researchers’ career paths and mental wellbeing.

- The Concordat to support the career development of researchers

Dr Sandrine Soubes

I want to ease the transition of research leaders into their leadership potential. 

Through my guidance as an expert coach and facilitator, I support individuals and groups of research leaders to navigate the journey and explore solutions to ongoing challenges.

Research Lives & Cultures- Conversations-logo for the Podcast- with cartoon of woman doing an experiment- colours of logo used for cartoon

The Podcast

Research careers are complex and unpredictable, but the lives of researchers are fascinating.

On this podcast, I interview researchers, academics and professionals with research background about their journeying through research lives and professional transitions.

These stories illustrate the diversity of approaches in navigating the complexities of the research environment.