The New Research Leader

The New Research Leader is a programme for Research Fellows, Principal Investigators and Lecturers who are daring enough to want to have conversations about leadership development in higher education.

They aim to become research leaders of the future, committed to designing supportive research environments and a thriving research culture.

The programme includes:

  • Themed monthly gatherings

  • Discussions and exchanges with peers

  • Sessions where we bust challenges

  • Co-creating the programme with participants

  • Collective accountability

Research Leader Collective.png

The challenges of leadership development in higher education include…

Overload in your transition journey

Shifting from working as a Postdoc to establishing yourself as a successful Research Fellow, Principal Investigator or Lecturer is something you did not expect to be so difficult.

Isolation and vulnerability

In starting your new(ish) role as a research leader, you are suddenly unsure where to turn for help and you worry about discussing challenges with departmental colleagues.

Enhancing Leadership Skills

You know how to do the science, but building your team, leading and motivating others remains full of mysteries and uncertainties.

The New Research Leader Programme will bring you…


Bringing together like-minded research fellows, principal investigators and new lecturers from different departments who want to share experiences and learn from each other about how to become excellent research leaders.

Institutional awareness

Learning to navigate the politics of institutions & departments or funders is an asset for your research leadership journey. Sharing with peers the issues that you are facing will provide alternative perspectives to solve challenges.

Leadership perspectives

Easing your journey into research leadership by providing tools and frameworks to reflect & experiment with your leadership approach. Helping you keep joy with your research through this transition.


Courage to thrive as a research leader

Becoming a research leader who excels in leading a research team and is supportive of researchers with diverse expectations, ambitions and capabilities is not a small feat. The New Research Leader Programme will challenge you to become the best research leader you can be.

Self-awareness through reflection

You may want to do a good job as a supervisor, line manager and team leader, but sometimes it is hard to know how to go about things. The New Research Leader Programme will support you in reflecting on your approaches and will bring new insights to shift your thinking.

Change agent for research culture

Managing the craziness of your own workload, whilst trying to rethink how you can improve the research culture through your own actions may feel overwhelming. Our conversations will be part of becoming a brilliant contributor towards a positive research culture.

Why Do We Need The New Research Leader Programme?

Members of the New Research Leader Programme are daring enough to want to make the research environment a better place
  • We need to fight the isolation experienced by new research leaders

  • We aspire for new research leaders to find ways to inhabit the research environment on their own terms.

  • There are multiple ways of being a great research leader and the motivation is to help research leaders find their own path.

  • The New Research Leader Programme brings resilience through connecting socially in a network of peers.

Addressing the lack of formal leadership development in higher education

Thinking about leadership in a different way

Offering a supportive space to reflect

Leadership learning as a long-term process

Learning to lead without becoming a bully

Seeing the success of your team members as your own success

Thriving as a research leader even within a context of workplace stress, high levels of competition and job insecurity

Acknowledging your uncertainty about how to be a good research leader


Who is this for?

Research fellows

New Principal Investigators

New Lecturers

  • You don’t assume that you know it all.

  • You don’t claim you are the perfect supervisor or line manager.

  • You are open to the concept of vulnerability in leadership.

  • You have the honesty to admit that being a research leader is hard.

  • You have the motivation to become an awesome supervisor/line manager.

  • You are keen to engage and learn from peers, and build a community of peers reshaping research culture together.

If you are interested in running this programme in your institution or across a group of institutions, get in touch and let’s start the discussion!