Research Transition Boost

As a Principal Investigator (PI), you will see many Postdoctoral Researchers come and go through your research group. At the end of a research project, you’re so focused on getting the research finished and published that you’ve got hardly any time to support your research staff transition into their next roles. If they plan to leave research, you’re unsure how to help them.

Let me help you, help them in their transition post-research contract.

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The Research Transition Boost is a 90-days programme to support your research staff transition with more ease into employment at the end of their research contract working with you.

You’re keen to help your research staff move onto new pastures at the end of their research contract but…

Your focus is research not career transition

You want to help Research Staff who have worked with you and are nearing the end of their research contracts to transition to the best job possible.

There is still a lot to finish on the research front for the project and papers to be written, so you can’t give that much attention to the next career step of your research staff.

Frustrations at the end of projects

Your research staff may find it challenging to discuss their next career step with you. Maybe the project did not go as well as you both had hoped. Maybe there are some frustrations on both sides as the funding is coming to an end.

Focusing on positive outcomes (research outputs and excellent job prospects) is your intention, but the reality may feel different.

You really do not know how to help

Your research staff may be unsure what they want to do next. They may feel a bit lost in figuring out how to decide what to do next.

You want to make sure they are not leaving it to the last minute, but there is not much you can do yourself. You want to be helpful, but you are not sure how and to be honest you do not really have the time!

Let me help you support your research staff as they ease out of their research contracts, so they can make the most of the competencies and skills they acquired as researchers.

This 90-day Research Transition Boost will help your research staff through…

Reflecting on skills

Research Staff have acquired many skills through their training and research contracts, but they often underestimate their competencies. I help them reflect on their professional experiences to embrace their next step.

Articulating what they have to offer

Selling our skills is really hard, particularly for researchers who are moving out of research. I support researchers revisit what they do, so they can showcase competitively their competencies to a broad range of potential employers.

Reviewing what matters to them

I coach researchers in re-evaluating their core values, to identify what they really want to do next, instead of falling into the trap of what they “should” do. Reviewing skills and values helps researchers build confidence for their next step.

Should I stay or should I go?

At the end of a Postdoctoral contract, there is much angst about deciding whether to remain in research/ academia or explore other options. I provide a framework to get researchers to give themselves permission to explore diverse options.

Making use of networks

Personal and professional networks are key ingredients in career transitions. I challenge researchers to use effectively their network to explore occupations and hear about opportunities.

Putting things in motion

I provide a structure that help researchers feel guided and supported, as they reflect and explore possibilities. I provide accountability, so that they don’t wait until the last minute to take action for their career transition.

How does the Research Transition Boost programme work?

Individualised coaching programme working one-to-one with your research staff:

  • An exploration call to establish focus of the support needed

  • 3 Coaching sessions over 3 months with follow-up documents.

  • 12 weekly coaching prompts with resources to take action

  • CV review

  • Mock interview

Based on the current situation of your research staff, the coaching support is tailored to the individual needs.

How much does it cost?

£960 for this 90-day programme to help your research staff feel better prepared and supported in their career transition journey.

Emotional dimension in career transition

There is often a massive emotional upheaval experienced by researchers when they are transitioning between research contracts or when they decide to move out of research.

Through this coaching programme, I provide a safe space, where researcher can explore how they feel about their career situations. We bust the limiting beliefs they may have that hinders effective job transitions.

Researchers regain a sense of possibilities and of their own competencies that opens the door for them to be bolder in exploring their career transition.

What do researchers say about getting my help during research career transitions?