Tesselle Development
is about better conversations in the research environment
About Tesselle Development
My aim is for you to feel that you can deliver amazing research by developing a nurturing research environment. I want to help you create a balance for yourself, your staff and students, to maintain wellbeing and establish a dynamic and prolific research group.
To get to where you are as a research leader, you have made many sacrifices, you have suffered many rejections and setbacks and you have probably often wondered whether this was really worth it.
I understand your pain, your weariness and struggles.
I create spaces for you to hold on to the original joy in your research purpose, by easing your transition into your leadership shoes.
What’s in the name Tesselle Development?
Tesselle is the French word for tessera, which is a small piece in a mosaic.
Tesserae can be any materials, glass, stone, tile, broken china, found object, wood and the like.
As an amateur mosaic artist, I am drawn to using the metaphors of mosaic art as a way of getting my clients to understand the ethos of what I bring.
I perceive our lives as mosaic arrangements with endless possibilities, multiple elements, diverging and converging lines, colours, tones, gradations, transitions, patterns, volumes, shininess, darkness, and hidden meanings.
As a coach, facilitator and trainer, I perceive my role as someone bringing new tesserae (ideas, reflections, questions, frameworks) to individuals and teams to consider in the mosaic of their lives.
You can look at the tesserae, choose to use them or not, choose to place them where you see fit. My aim is to offer new colours, new patterns, new materials, new arrangements so that individuals and teams grasp new visions of what is possible.